Thursday, September 28, 2006

US tumbles in ranking of world's economies

A few weeks ago I posted this on how the U.S. is falling back in attracting and retaining foreign talent. The World Economic Forum has now come up with a report on global competitiveness of the worlds greatest economies. The U.S. which used to be number one for a long time? is now toppled to sixth place. Switzerland is at the top most spot. Boston Globe reports some of the reasons for the U.S. performance:
The high budget and trade deficits, disappointing response to Hurricane Katrina, government corruption, and a decreasing talent pool for employment due to immigration restrictions were factors cited by the forum, which moved the United States to sixth in its global competitiveness index from the top spot a year ago.
Interesting to see how the biggest emerging economies fared in this list:
Emerging economies such as China's and India's fared modestly. India came in at 43d, carried by its innovation and the sophistication of operations. China dropped six places from last year, to 54th

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